How to Transfer Minecraft Worlds Xbox to Windows 10?

Many readers have this question: whether they can transfer Minecraft worlds from Xbox One to Windows 10 without paying for Minecraft realms. The answer to this question is yes; you can transfer your Minecraft worlds. This article will also help if you have bought Minecraft and wondering how to sync your Minecraft world between devices. We will show you the easiest method to transfer Minecraft worlds from Xbox One to Windows 10 without any external storage. The method we plan on sharing today is free.


Before we start the transfer process, there are a few requirements:

1. Your Windows 10 PC device and Xbox One should be connected to the same device.

2. You would need Minecraft Bedrock Edition on both devices.

3. Two applications would be needed for the transfer process:

●    File Download (It is free to download on the Microsoft Store)

● My Files Explorer (It is not free and is chargeable at $2.59 on Microsoft Store but can get a free trial for new users. It is a file explorer for Xbox One.)

How To Transfer Minecraft Worlds From Xbox One To Windows 10

How To Transfer Minecraft Worlds From Xbox One To Windows 10

Now let’s start the tutorial on how to transfer Minecraft worlds from Xbox One to Windows 10. You need to follow the below-mentioned steps to transfer.

Step 1:

On your Xbox controller go-to apps, search for My Files Explorer and then open the application.

Step 2:

After opening the application, you need to go to the Isolated Storage.

Step 3:

Click on packages from the upper navigation bar.

Step 4:

After you have followed all this, the next step would be to scroll down and search for the folder name “Microsoft.MinecraftUWPconsole” and then open the folder.

Step 5:

After you have opened the folder, you need to open the following folders accordingly Localstate> Games> com. mojang> Minecraft worlds.

Step 6:

You need to search for the Minecraft World folder, specifically the world you want to transfer on your Windows 10 device.

Step 7:

Open all the folders, and eventually, you will come across your world icon. As we had already told you to memorize the world icon that you wanted to transfer, keep searching the folders until you find the world icon that matches your desired world icon. Once you have found your world icon, be sure to note down the folder name.

Step 8:

The next step would be to go back to the Minecraft world from the upper navigation bar.

Step 9:

Hover over the same folder, press the menu button present on your controller, and copy the desired folder.

Step 10:

Go back to the packages (if you want to reach there in a short period, you can also go to packages from the navigation bar.)

Step 11:

Open the folder MegaScopes.UniversalFileDownloader then goes to Local state, and then you need to paste the previously copied folder here.

Step 12:

The next step would be to press the menu button on your Xbox controller, then paste the file and wait until the entire transfer process is completed.

Step 13:

Now go to the Apps again and search for the application “File Downloader”> Open the application.

Step 14:

Click on the menu button present on the file downloader (you can find it in the upper left corner.)

Step 15:

On the menu list, you will find the server; click on it.

Step 16:

Click on start; after you have clicked on start, it will show you some address like; note it down somewhere. We would need this address when we switch over to our Windows 10 device.

Step 17:

Now get back to your Windows 10 PC, open the File Explorer on it click on the address bar, and type in the address you found on file downloader.

Step 18:

When the address is done loading, go to your local store, and you will come across another folder on it, right-click on that folder and copy the folder.

Step 19:

Go to the local disk C: drive and then to the folder User, where you need to click on the Your User folder (this folder will be named according to your name).

Step 20:

Click on the View tab and check the hidden items.

Step 21:

After this, you need to go to AppData, then local, and then packages.

Step 22:

After you have opened the packages, you need to scroll down and search for the folder of Microsoft.MinecraftUWP and open it.

Step 23:

After this, go to local state, then games, then com. Mojang, and then Minecraft worlds

Step 24:

Now, you need to paste the world folder you copied in the earlier step.

Step 25:

After you have followed each of the steps mentioned above, voila! You have successfully transferred your Minecraft world to Windows 10 from your Xbox One.

When you launch the Minecraft bedrock edition now from your Windows 10 computer, you will see that your Minecraft World is being transferred from Xbox One to Windows 10. Related post How To Get Rid of Water in Minecraft?

Final Verdict

With the help of this article, you can quickly transfer your Minecraft world from Xbox to Windows 10 PC, and sync your Minecraft World between different devices. The method that was shown above was 100% free. If you want to spend money on transferring your Minecraft world between devices, you would need to pay for realms and then export your world to another device.


How to Customize super flat worlds in Minecraft PC? 

To customize super flat worlds in Minecraft PC, the first step would be to create a new world.
Go through the world options, switch the world type to super flat, and click on customize. After you have done this, click Presets. The next step would be to delete the text in the box at the top. After you have followed the above steps, the next would be to type in the box to start 2; this is just the version number so it might get updated or modified in the future, but you will still be able to use the code. The next step would be to type an id after “;” for example, Minecraft: bedrock. Don’t insert a semicolon (;); instead, type in a comma (,) for an extra layer. To make a block in multiple layers. For example, you want to make two layers of dirt. It would be best if you typed axb. (A in here is the number of layers the block will have (1-255), and b here is the block id). Once you have completed this, the next step would be to add a grass block layer. To add this type Minecraft: grass and close it with a semicolon. It would look like “2; Minecraft: bedrock,2xminecraft: dirt, Minecraft: grass;”.How to Customize super flat worlds in Minecraft PC?

How to Recover Deleted Minecraft Worlds?

The possible way to recover the deleted Minecraft world has been provided below. You might come across several ways to recover a deleted Minecraft World. The solution we are providing is one of the best ways to recover a deleted Minecraft World. You need to follow the instructions laid down below.
The first step is to open two separate File Explorer Windows.
Enter the following address, or you can open the following folders in this sequence. “C:\Users\Username.minecraft\saves” you can enter this into one of the File Explorer search bars (without the quotations and need to put your Minecraft username in place of “Username” or your username for your computer.)
After you have done the next step would be to copy/paste or cut/move the world(s) you would like to recover/restore to the appropriate location.
After you have done this, the final step would be to double-check that it worked by starting up Minecraft and viewing your single-player worlds.
Voila! You have successfully recovered your deleted Minecraft world if you have carefully followed each step mentioned here.How to Recover Deleted Minecraft Worlds?

How to delete Minecraft Worlds?

If you are wondering how to delete Minecraft Worlds, then we have the exact answer for you. You don’t have to be bored of your world, but sometimes a world exceeds its usefulness, and it is time for you to free up some space from your PC or console. The best part is that you can delete your Minecraft Worlds, and it is as easy as creating a new one. This way, you can clear out the old world that is no longer useful to you. To quickly delete a Minecraft world, you need to follow the steps listed below:
1. The first step is to make sure that you are logged in at the right place, which means you need to open Minecraft on the device or console from where you want to delete your Minecraft World.
2. The next step is to click on the “Play” button that is present directly below the Minecraft logo in the main menu.
3. This will bring up a screen with three tabs that you can see on the top. After this, look for the world that you wish to delete in the list under the “Worlds” tab, and below that, you will see a “Create New” tab.
4. After this, you need to click on the “Edit” button present to the right of the world’s name. It will look like a pencil or crayon however you want to depict it.
5. After you have clicked on it, it will open the “Edit” screen that would look identical to the first “Create” screen when you create a new world. Once completed, you need to scroll down to the bottom of the list on the right-hand side of the screen.
6. The next step would be to click on the “Delete World” that is present near the bottom of the screen; you can find it next to the “Export World” and “Copy World” buttons.
7. A confirmation message will pop up on your screen. For the last time, that would ask you whether you are sure if you want to delete the world or not, click on the “Delete” button that is underneath the pop-up warning message.
8. After you have deleted your world permanently, there is no way to recover a deleted world once you have permanently deleted it. So be sure of your decision before deleting your world. Perhaps once you have deleted your world, you will have more space to create more new worlds.

How to Transfer Minecraft Java Worlds to Windows 10?

Many of our readers question how they can transfer their Minecraft Java Worlds edition to the Windows 10 version. We have answered their question here. There are two methods to transfer their Minecraft Java Worlds to Windows 10; you can follow anyone.

Method 1: Using MCC Toolchest PE

The method mentioned here would require you to download MCC Toolchest PE, which can be easily downloaded from here. After you have downloaded the program, you will need to follow the steps below:
Step 1: After downloading the program, you would need to install the program.
Step 2: After installing, you need to open Minecraft Windows 10 edition and create a new world.
Step 3: You need to open MCC Toolchest PE, click on the file, and then open the new world that you have created.
Step 4: The next step would be to click tools, convert, and then convert from PC.
Step 5: After the conversion process has started, you would need to wait a bit as it takes time.
Step 6: After a while, a message will pop up to say that the conversion process has been completed; click on Close.
Step 7: Once it is done, you will need to click on the save icon, and this will save the converted world.
Step 8: Go back to Minecraft Windows 10 edition and open the new world that you have created.
Step 9: Voila! This would convert your Minecraft Java World Edition to Minecraft Windows 10 edition, and now you can enjoy your game.

Method 2: Using Anvil to LevelDB Converter

This method requires you to download a program that was created by a Minecraft user himself, which can be downloaded from here. You would need to follow the steps that are mentioned below.
Step 1: The first step would be to open your Minecraft Java Edition World, it would be better if you load it in some chunks, or it might cause an error that would make your world not be converted properly.
Step 2: Once you have completed this step, the next step would be to open the program (.jar) file that you have downloaded.
Step 3: After this, you need to click on the button that is present above, “browse”, and go to your Minecraft Java Edition world folder (You need to know where you have saved it.)
Step 4: Click on the “>>Convert World<<” button. After you have clicked on it, it will state that the conversion is completed and wait until the save compaction is completed.
Step 5: Once it shows “Save Compaction”, it is complete. Open your Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, and the converted world will be there. Suppose you can’t see the converted world in your saved folder. Then please check other folders as they might be saved elsewhere on your PC.
Step 6: Voila! This would have transferred your Minecraft Java World Edition to Minecraft Windows 10 edition, and now you can enjoy your game.How to Transfer Minecraft Java Worlds to Windows 10?

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